Thursday, February 2, 2012

My friend and I were in the American Girls store at the mall; I loved the American Girls growing up.

I am going through a dry period of not working much due to limited strength.
I am frustrated and stagnating intellectually, at least that's what it feels like, chafing against the idleness enforced by the limitations of my body and mind.

I would like to use this time to write; now I must be productive when I can.
I can study, sew...just don't want to slip down the slope into drinking every day and not being intellectually productive.

I can sew; I have the time, and my fashion show is in April, so I would like to get it done.

Plus, doing creative, and/or manual things, stretches my brain and quiets it sometimes.

I still walk a lot, wearing myself out and listening to the compulsive bitch.

I still restrict.

Please, Lord, help me to regain strength.

Thank You.

Well, so what to write.
More poetry, attempt to get my works published.

Create dresses and outfits; things for men and women.

For myself.

Thank you Lord

for things to do.

Ways to stretch my mind

keep myself occupied


I love You

and I know You must take joy

in creating us.


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